Outre Wigpop Nola wig is being reviewed in today's video. Outre's Nola wig is a part of their new Wigpop series. The Wigpop series features easy ready to wear styles at an affordable price. Outre Nola is a synthetic wig and is heat friendly. She is styled in a Pixie Cut with a silky texture. Nola comes in a variety of colors. We reviewed Nola in the color DR SILVER GRAY. It has dark roots and goes into a beautiful silver color. If you like pixie cuts Nola should be in your collection.
DOWNLOAD OUR FREEBIE: Tips to Make Your Wig Look Natural https://mailchi.mp/d82b592eb8f4/make-...
WIG LINK: Outre Wigpop Nola Wig: http://bit.ly/2YwjQYo