Outre Linette wig is being reviewed in today's video. Outre's Linette wig is a part of their Perfect Hairline wig series. Outre Linette is a synthetic HD lace wig and is heat friendly. She has a 13x4 parting space so you can part her anyway and style her in different ways. She is styled in long and straight. It is a yaki texture and has baby hairs. She has a normal density. Linette comes in a few different colors. We reviewed Linette in the color DR2/ BUTTERED PECAN. DR2/ BUTTERED PECAN has dark brown roots and goes into a beautiful golden blonde. We did experience some tangling.
DOWNLOAD OUR FREEBIE: 5 Things To Make Your Wig Last Longer https://mailchi.mp/a626d25eeda9/untit...
WIG LINK: Outre Linette Wig: https://bit.ly/3AoZgty